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  • Liquid Beneficial Bacteria For Ponds by Aquascape®

This liquid concentrated Beneficial Pond Bacteria from Aquascape contains 8 pure strains of concentrated beneficial bacteria, including PSB bacteria and enzymes. This combination of natural cleaners helps to maintain a strong biological balance in your pond. Because ornamental water gardens are enclosed ecosystems, sometimes factors like fish load, uneaten fish food, organics such as leaves, sludge and unwanted debris may disrupt the balance. Aquascape Beneficial Bacteria maintains a strong biological balance; providing clean, clear and healthy water conditions. PSB (Photo Synthetic Bacteria) help quickly clear pond water by clumping fine debris and allowing it to settle.

Effective at reducing sludge, uneaten fish food, fish waste, dead and decaying plant material and excess nutrients that cause poor water quality and clarity. Safe for fish, plants, pets and wildlife

- Contains 8 strains of bacteria
- Contains Photo Synthetic Bacteria (PSB)
- Liquid contains 750 Million CFU per ounce potency-

- Contains marigold and vitamin B
- 1 cup treats approximately 48,000 gal/181,700 liters

Liquid formula available in four sizes:
8.5 oz - Treats 5,000 gallons - SKU: 98886
16.9 oz - Treats 10,000 gallons - SKU: 98887
33.8 oz - Treats 20,000 gallons - SKU: 98888
1 gal - Treats 80,000 gallons - SKU: 98885
Aquascape Liquid Beneficial Bacteria contains 750 Million CFU per ounce potency

Also Available in a Dry Formula


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Liquid Beneficial Bacteria For Ponds by Aquascape®

  • Brand: Aquascape®
  • Product Code: Beneficial Bacteria For Ponds by Aquascape®
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $30.50

  • Price includes taxes.
    Free shipping over $300.

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