Floating Pond Fountains
Floating fountains are designed for larger ponds, dugouts basins and lakes where aeration is desired as well as a decorative display. Floating fountains come in complete packages that include control panels, submersible motor, anchoring cords and low-profile floats. Power cords of various lengths and lighting kits are available. Timers and electric photo-cells to automatically turn on lights are available on most most models. Sizes from 1/4 HP up to 7.5 HP are available.
Olympus™ Floating Fountains & Decorative Aerators
These fountains are proudly manufactured right here in Canada! In our continuing efforts to take our..
Floating Fountains with Lights by Oase®
Available in two sizes, the Floating Fountains with Lights from OASE are eco-friendly and environmen..
Pond Jet™ Floating Fountain by Oase®
ThePond Jet™ floating fountain uses only 260 watts and creates a dramatic 10 foot high decorative di..
EcoSeries™ 1/2 HP Floating Fountain by Airmax®
The 1/2 HP EcoSeries™ Floating Fountain brings you the sound of water with beautiful industry leadin..
PondSeries™ Floating Fountains by Airmax®
The PondSeries™ Floating Fountain brings you the latest in high-quality commercial-grade fountain te..
Pond Jet™ Lighting Kit by Oase®
This light set is for the OASE PondJet floating fountain and consists of 3 LunAqua 10 halogen lights..