Earth Ponds, Natural Ponds & Lakes
Natural ponds, trout ponds, natural clay based earth ponds and lakes are unique eco-systems with a combination of watersheds and topogrophy defining the pond or lake. Larger ponds and natural ponds require a different approach for care and maintenance. Aeration systems for large ponds and lakes can improve water quality and clarity as well as reduce odors and muck. Natural bacteria, which is safe for people, pets and aquatic life, can be added to increase the improvment process and reduce phosphates, ammonia, nitrates and bottom muck.
Atlantic Pond Supply carries some of the most popular natural pond, large pond and lake systems available.
Contact us if you or your organization requires specific planning or detailed product recommendations based on your specific application.
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ClearOut™ Dry Beneficial Pond Bacteria for Ponds & Lakes from Crystal Clear®
Restore pond clarity, water quality and pond balance with Crystal Clear® ClearOut™. ClearOut™ contai..
Jet Black™ and True Blue EZ™ Solupack Pond Dye (Box of 6 Packets)
Jet Black™ and True Blue EZ™ Solupacks from Precision Laboratories come in boxes of 6 solkuble..
MuckOut® Muck Digesting Tablets for Ponds
MuckOut is a muck digesting formula that digests pond and lake organc muck. The 1 ounce tanlets are ..
Olympus™ Floating Fountains & Decorative Aerators
These fountains are proudly manufactured right here in Canada! In our continuing efforts to take our..
TrueBlue™ and DeepBlue™ Liquid Pond Dye from Crystal Clear®
This is a proprietary blend of environmentally friendly, nontoxic, water-soluble dyes formulated to ..
ProAir™ Shallow Water Pond Aeration System by Airmax®
Aeration Kit for 1/4 Acre Ponds with a maximum depth of 6 feet. Providing bottom-diffused a..
Kasco® Deicer Bubbler Systems
Kasco Marine, Inc. offers several sizes, models, and mounting options of De-Icers to accommodate alm..
TrueBlue™ Pond Dye in Water Soluble Packets from Crystal Clear®
CrystalClear® TrueBlue Dye Packets are formulated to provide ponds and lakes with vibrant blue color..
EcoSeries™ 1/2 HP Floating Fountain by Airmax®
The 1/2 HP EcoSeries™ Floating Fountain brings you the sound of water with beautiful industry leadin..
Koi Air™ Silent Air Pumps by Airmax®
These high efficiency low cost aeration pumps are ideal for water gardens and shallow ponds. With mu..
Muck Off™ Sludge Reducing Pellets for Ponds by Crystal Clear®
CrystalClear® MuckOff™ tablets are designed to sink to the bottom of the pond to quickly reduce muck..
Pond Muck & Sludge Pellets
Pond Muck Pellets are now available in Canada. Safely reduce muck and sludge from ponds and lakes of..
Barley Straw Pellets - Nature's Choice™ by Crystal Clear©
CrystalClear® Nature’s Choice™ Barley Straw Pellets utilize barley degradation technology to help ma..
PondSeries™ Floating Fountains by Airmax®
The PondSeries™ Floating Fountain brings you the latest in high-quality commercial-grade fountain te..
ProAir™ Weighted Membrane Diffuser Assembly by Airmax®
ProAir™ Weighted Diffuser Assembly. Available in two sizes for small and large ponds, tanks, dugouts..