Pond Bacteria
Pond bacteria naturally removes sludge, odor, debris and decaying leaves with billions of bacteria colonies and in some products enzymes. The result is a cleaner pond, healthier fish,improved dissolved oxygen levels and reduced ammonia levels. Some pond bacteria blends contain activated Barley and m these ingredients help to remove and control sludge, odor, grime & debris.
With so many bacterial and clearing products available we offer only the best available in Canada. We carry sludge removers, nitrification enhancers, oxygen based cleaners to help with common pond problems like algae odors and poor water quailty.
Spring & Fall Prep™ by Crystal Clear®
CrystalClear® Spring & Fall Prep contains cold water natural bacteria designed to accelerate the..
Spring & Summer Pond Cleaning Bacteria from Microbe-Lift®
Spring and summer pond cleaner. Safe for fish. Microbe-Lift SSC accelerates the breakdown of leaves,..
PL™ Beneficial Pond Bacteria Microbe-Lift
Microbe-lift PL™ provides sustained biological activity in water temperatures even under 55 degrees...
Pond Balance® Algae Control & Treatment
Algae control for filamentous algae in ponds in Canada. String Algae is a problem that affects most ..
BioClarifier™ Pond Bacteria by Crystal Clear®
BIOCLARIFIER™ is the new brand name of the popular Biological Clarifier™ by CrystalClear® that natur..
ClearOut™ Dry Beneficial Pond Bacteria for Ponds & Lakes from Crystal Clear®
Restore pond clarity, water quality and pond balance with Crystal Clear® ClearOut™. ClearOut™ contai..
MuckOut® Muck Digesting Tablets for Ponds
MuckOut is a muck digesting formula that digests pond and lake organc muck. The 1 ounce tanlets are ..
SupaClear™ Pond Cleaner 9% Formula
SupaClear is replacing Profix in Canada SupaClear™ is a unique and proprietary formula deve..
Clarity Max™ Beneficial Bacteria & Enzymes for Ponds by Crystal Clear®
ClarityMax® is the ultimate pond cleaner. A mix of natural bacteria, enzymes and barley straw extrac..
Muck Off™ Sludge Reducing Pellets for Ponds by Crystal Clear®
CrystalClear® MuckOff™ tablets are designed to sink to the bottom of the pond to quickly reduce muck..
Pond Muck & Sludge Pellets
Pond Muck Pellets are now available in Canada. Safely reduce muck and sludge from ponds and lakes of..
SA™ Sludge Away Muck Remover from Microbe-Lift®
Speeds Up the Removal of Sludge & Muck Naturally Microbe-Lift/SA (Sludge Away) is..
OneFix™ natural bacterial clarifier by Crystal Clear®
CrystalClear® OneFix™ utilizes natural bacteria to digest suspended dead organics to help keep the p..
Pond Shock™ Concentrated Bacteria Balls by CrystalClear®
The new PondShock™ concentrated pond bacteria ball is a great alternative to chemicals to clear your..
HC™ Pond Bacteria from Microbe-Lift®
Beneficial Bacteria for large ponds, fish ponds and lagoons. This high-count beneficial bacteri..