Pond Dyes
Tints for ponds and pond colorants help against the growth of weeds and algae by naturally filtering UV rays of sun which cause non-desirable aquatic plants and weeds to grow. Safe for recreational ponds, fish, plants, horses, cattle, birds, fish, dogs and cats and the environment. Available in blues and black and in liquid or dry form. Also used strictly as an aesthetic additive to add a shade of blue to brown or muddy waters.
Jet Black™ and True Blue EZ™ Solupack Pond Dye (Box of 6 Packets)
Jet Black™ and True Blue EZ™ Solupacks from Precision Laboratories come in boxes of 6 solkuble..
TrueBlue™ and DeepBlue™ Liquid Pond Dye from Crystal Clear®
This is a proprietary blend of environmentally friendly, nontoxic, water-soluble dyes formulated to ..
TrueBlue™ Pond Dye in Water Soluble Packets from Crystal Clear®
CrystalClear® TrueBlue Dye Packets are formulated to provide ponds and lakes with vibrant blue color..
Pond Tint™ Pond Dye by Crystal Clear®
CrystalClear® PondTint™ is a non-toxic pond dye designed to help keep water sparkling clean and cool..
Pond Dye™ from Aquascape®
Aquascape offers two specialized pond tints, a black tint and a blue tint. Each bottle treats 5,000 ..
Bio-Black® Pond Dye & Enzymes for Reflective Ponds by Microbe-Lift®
Specially Formulated to Safely Color Reflecting Ponds Dark! Bio-Black is a concen..
Bio-Blue® Pond Dye & Enzymes by Microbe-Lift®
Concentrated pond dye product that safely colors water while its enzymes assist the beneficial bacte..