Assorted Water Treatments

Spring & Fall Prep™ by Crystal Clear®

Spring & Fall Prep™ by Crystal Clear®

CrystalClear® Spring & Fall Prep contains cold water natural bacteria designed to accelerate the..


Spring & Summer Pond Cleaning Bacteria from Microbe-Lift®

Spring & Summer Pond Cleaning Bacteria from Microbe-Lift®

Spring and summer pond cleaner. Safe for fish. Microbe-Lift SSC accelerates the breakdown of leaves,..


PL™ Beneficial Pond Bacteria Microbe-Lift

PL™ Beneficial Pond Bacteria Microbe-Lift

Microbe-lift PL™ provides sustained biological activity in water temperatures even under 55 degrees...


Pond Balance®  Algae Control & Treatment

Pond Balance® Algae Control & Treatment

Algae control for filamentous algae in ponds in Canada. String Algae is a problem that affects most ..


BioClarifier™ Pond Bacteria by Crystal Clear®

BioClarifier™ Pond Bacteria by Crystal Clear®

BIOCLARIFIER™ is the new brand name of the popular Biological Clarifier™ by CrystalClear® that natur..


ClearOut™ Dry Beneficial Pond Bacteria for Ponds & Lakes from Crystal Clear®

ClearOut™ Dry Beneficial Pond Bacteria for Ponds & Lakes from Crystal Clear®

Restore pond clarity, water quality and pond balance with Crystal Clear® ClearOut™. ClearOut™ contai..


MuckOut® Muck Digesting Tablets for Ponds

MuckOut® Muck Digesting Tablets for Ponds

MuckOut is a muck digesting formula that digests pond and lake organc muck. The 1 ounce tanlets are ..


SupaClear™ Pond Cleaner 9% Formula

SupaClear™ Pond Cleaner 9% Formula

SupaClear is replacing Profix in Canada SupaClear™ is a unique and proprietary formula deve..


TrueBlue™ and DeepBlue™ Liquid Pond Dye from Crystal Clear®

TrueBlue™ and DeepBlue™ Liquid Pond Dye from Crystal Clear®

This is a proprietary blend of environmentally friendly, nontoxic, water-soluble dyes formulated to ..


Barley Straw Liquid Extract from Crystal Clear®

Barley Straw Liquid Extract from Crystal Clear®

CrystalClear® Barley Extract is the natural solution to maintaining a clean and healthy pond all yea..


Clarity Max™ Beneficial Bacteria & Enzymes for Ponds by Crystal Clear®

Clarity Max™ Beneficial Bacteria & Enzymes for Ponds by Crystal Clear®

ClarityMax® is the ultimate pond cleaner. A mix of natural bacteria, enzymes and barley straw extrac..


Triton™ Ionizer 3 Pond Clarifier

Triton™ Ionizer 3 Pond Clarifier

Atlantic is pleased to introduce the new Triton™ Ionizer 3 to control string algae and green water i..


Barley Straw Liquid Extract from Microbe Lift®

Barley Straw Liquid Extract from Microbe Lift®

Liquid barley straw extract from Microbe Lift®. A natural algaecide for your pond! An environmentall..


Bloom & Grow™ Aquatic Plant Supplement from Microbe-Lift®

Bloom & Grow™ Aquatic Plant Supplement from Microbe-Lift®

Specially formulated for aquatic plants of all types to promote larger, brighter and faster blooms a..


Muck Off™ Sludge Reducing Pellets for Ponds by Crystal Clear®

Muck Off™ Sludge Reducing Pellets for Ponds by Crystal Clear®

CrystalClear® MuckOff™ tablets are designed to sink to the bottom of the pond to quickly reduce muck..


Showing 1 to 15 of 81 (6 Pages)