Assorted Water Treatments
Pond Dye™ from Aquascape®
Aquascape offers two specialized pond tints, a black tint and a blue tint. Each bottle treats 5,000 ..
Rapid Clear™ Flocculant from Aquascape®
Aquascape Rapid Clear is scientifically blended to quickly clear cloudy or discolored pond water fas..
Aquascape® Professional Bacteria, Clarifiers and Pond Water Treatments
Aquascape Professional Grade products are 25% more concentrated than the consumer equivalent, making..
Alkalinity KH/pH Booster by Aquascape®
Alkalinity Booster with Phosphate Binder Increases Overall KH/pH and Alkalinity ..
Pond Defoamer by Microbe-lift® - Fast Elimination of Pond Foam
Microbe-lift Defoamer eliminates foam in Seconds! It gets rid of unsightly foam fast, leaving pond w..
Bio-Black® Pond Dye & Enzymes for Reflective Ponds by Microbe-Lift®
Specially Formulated to Safely Color Reflecting Ponds Dark! Bio-Black is a concen..
ClearUp™ Pond Cleaner with Enzymes
SuperNatural® ClearUp™ clears cloudy water, improves oxygen levels and removes decaying matter on th..
InstaClear™ Fast Acting Pond Clarifier and Flocculant
InstaClear™ is formulated to clear cloudy pond water in minutes. InstaClear will clear pond water in..
SAB Stream & Pond Cleaner by Aquascape®
SAB™ Stream and Pond Clean contains pure strains of concentrated beneficial bacteria and enzymes. Id..
Ammonia Neutralizer PRO by Aquascape®
Ammonia Neutralizer pro is a 25% more concentrated version of the standard Ammonia Neutralizer offer..
PondPrep™ Dechlorinator and Water Treatment
So, you’ve got your pond filled with water and you are excited to add fish and plants. Not so fast! ..
Bio-Blue® Pond Dye & Enzymes by Microbe-Lift®
Concentrated pond dye product that safely colors water while its enzymes assist the beneficial bacte..
Lake Flocculant Clarifier from Aquascape®
Aquascape Lake Flocculant Clarifier quickly clears stubborn clouding water caused by suspended parti..
Feature Foam Free™ Foam Remover for Garden Fountains & Statuary by Aquascape®
Each bottle treats up to 500 gallons. One pump per 10 gallons of water feature or fountain size. ..
XT Smart Dosing Systems for large Ponds, Waterfalls, and Fountains by Aquascape®
Maintaining optimum water quality in larger ponds and water-features has never been easier. To keep ..