Koi & Goldfish Health
Keeping goldfish or koi in your pond can be a satisfying endeavor; your fish will become your friends and can live for many years or decades with proper care even in outdoor ponds in Canadian winters. There are some common goldfish and koi diseases and illnesses that can be treated with medications. It is always distressing to find our fish with ulcers or discolorations or growths on their extremities but with care and proper medication and water treatment many of these conditions can be reversed and are often non fatal. We offer some approved medications and other lotions, elixirs and potions for your fishy friends!
Some of the most common problems with goldfish are: Fin rot is a literal rotting of the fins. It is not fatal when treated. Ick, or White spot disease, appears as white spots like sugar grains in goldfish and can be fatal but is treatable. It can be brought into ponds or tanks by contaminated equipment or new fish who carry the Ichthyopthirius. Medication and water changes as well as cleaning and quarantine are required. Other common issues that can be treated with our popular goldfish and koi medications are bacterial dropsy, fungus, milky skin, fin/tail rot, bulging eyes, mouth rot, raised scales.
One problematic issue with ponds that cause fish illness and death is ammonia poisoning which is not specifically treatable by medication but can be eliminated by pond water testing and proper filtration and aeration or by emergency ammonia reduction additives.
SAKI-HIKARI® Growth Formula Koi & Goldfish Food
A Daily Diet For Accelerated Growth Hikari Quality Guaranteed FEATURES Expect acce..
Herbal Fish Preparation from Microbe-Lift® - Parazoryne
Benefits of using Sabbactisun & Parazoryne: 100% natural, herbal product. Safe for ..
ParaSalt™ Pond Salt by Crystal Clear®
CrystalClear® ParaSalt™ is formulated to increase koi and goldfish electrolytic intake. Electrolytes..
Vanish™ PLUS Dechlorinator & Stress Reducer from Crystal Clear®
Chlorine is toxic to fish. Left untreated chlorine can cause gill damage and leave fish unable to br..
Knockout PLUS™ Broad Spectrum Combo Fish Product by Crystal Clear®
CrystalClear® KnockOut™ PLUS is widely used by pond and aquarium hobbyists and professionals ..Cryst..
Hikari® Ultimate® Water Conditioner
Everything you need to maintain a superior environment for your aquatic pets is in one bottle. For n..
Herbal Fish Preparation from Microbe-Lift® - Sabbactisun
Benefits of using Sabbactisun & Parazoryne: 100% natural, herbal product. Safe for ..
Hikari® Cloram-X® ammonia and chloramine remover
Destroys Chloramine and Removes Ammonia / Chlorine Liquid Buffered ClorAm-X® utilizes a pat..
Swan Decoy
Swans are very territorial birds! This realsitic floating Swan Decoy deters herons from coming to yo..
Aqua Xtreme™ Water Conditioner from Microbe-Lift
Aqua XTreme is a convenient liquid, single-phase, full-function water conditioner that has been scie..
Fish Shield treatment for Koi and Goldfish
Fish are precious, so protect them with FishShield fish treatment. FishShield helps keep materials o..
PondPrep™ Dechlorinator and Water Treatment
So, you’ve got your pond filled with water and you are excited to add fish and plants. Not so fast! ..