Fish Pond Water Treatments
PL™ Beneficial Pond Bacteria Microbe-Lift
Microbe-lift PL™ provides sustained biological activity in water temperatures even under 55 degrees...
Herbal Fish Preparation from Microbe-Lift® - Parazoryne
Benefits of using Sabbactisun & Parazoryne: 100% natural, herbal product. Safe for ..
ParaSalt™ Pond Salt by Crystal Clear®
CrystalClear® ParaSalt™ is formulated to increase koi and goldfish electrolytic intake. Electrolytes..
Vanish™ PLUS Dechlorinator & Stress Reducer from Crystal Clear®
Chlorine is toxic to fish. Left untreated chlorine can cause gill damage and leave fish unable to br..
Hikari® Ultimate® Water Conditioner
Everything you need to maintain a superior environment for your aquatic pets is in one bottle. For n..
Vanish™ Dechlorinator Granules from Crystal Clear®
Vanish™ Dry Dechlorinator Immediatly removes chlorine from the pond making water safe ..
Nualgi™ Natural Pond Treatment & Cleaner
Nualgi Ponds™ is a patented liquid formulation for ponds now available in Canada. It is a safe and n..
TheraP™ Beneficial Bacteria for Fish Ponds from Microbe-Lift®
Microbe-Lift TheraP™ - Specially Formulated Beneficial Bacteria to Promote Fish Health. Provide..
Pond Salt by Aquascape®
Aquascape Pond Salt helps reduce the effects of elevated nitrite levels toxic to pond fish. Aquascap..
Calcium Montmorillonite Koi Clay by Microbe-Lift®
It is said the secret to healthy, colorful, Japanese koi is the clay mud in which they are raised. ..
Hikari® Cloram-X® ammonia and chloramine remover
Destroys Chloramine and Removes Ammonia / Chlorine Liquid Buffered ClorAm-X® utilizes a pat..
KH™ Alkalinity Bio-Active Booster from Microbe-Lift®
Microbe-Lift's new product, KH Bio-Active Booster, solves the problem of low alkalinity, which can l..
Aqua Xtreme™ Water Conditioner from Microbe-Lift
Aqua XTreme is a convenient liquid, single-phase, full-function water conditioner that has been scie..
Pond Detoxifier™ from Aquascape®
Aquascape Pond Detoxifier makes tap water into pond water. Because tap water including well water of..
Alkalinity KH/pH Booster by Aquascape®
Alkalinity Booster with Phosphate Binder Increases Overall KH/pH and Alkalinity ..