Pond Dyes & Colorants
Pond dyes and colorants safely color pond water which can help inhibit algae growth. All our dyes are safe for fish and plants.
Jet Black™ and True Blue EZ™ Solupack Pond Dye (Box of 6 Packets)
Jet Black™ and True Blue EZ™ Solupacks from Precision Laboratories come in boxes of 6 solkuble..
TrueBlue™ and DeepBlue™ Liquid Pond Dye from Crystal Clear®
This is a proprietary blend of environmentally friendly, nontoxic, water-soluble dyes formulated to ..
TrueBlue™ Pond Dye in Water Soluble Packets from Crystal Clear®
CrystalClear® TrueBlue Dye Packets are formulated to provide ponds and lakes with vibrant blue color..
Vanish™ PLUS Dechlorinator & Stress Reducer from Crystal Clear®
Chlorine is toxic to fish. Left untreated chlorine can cause gill damage and leave fish unable to br..
Vanish™ Dechlorinator Granules from Crystal Clear®
Vanish™ Dry Dechlorinator Immediatly removes chlorine from the pond making water safe ..
Pond Tint™ Pond Dye by Crystal Clear®
CrystalClear® PondTint™ is a non-toxic pond dye designed to help keep water sparkling clean and cool..
Dechlorinator Plus™ for Pond Water by MicrobeLift®
Highly concentrated dechlorinator and water conditioner formula. To condition water for new ponds, b..
Pond Dye™ from Aquascape®
Aquascape offers two specialized pond tints, a black tint and a blue tint. Each bottle treats 5,000 ..
Bio-Black® Pond Dye & Enzymes for Reflective Ponds by Microbe-Lift®
Specially Formulated to Safely Color Reflecting Ponds Dark! Bio-Black is a concen..
Bio-Blue® Pond Dye & Enzymes by Microbe-Lift®
Concentrated pond dye product that safely colors water while its enzymes assist the beneficial bacte..