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  • Vanish™ PLUS Dechlorinator & Stress Reducer from Crystal Clear®

Chlorine is toxic to fish. Left untreated chlorine can cause gill damage and leave fish unable to breath.  The liquid Vanish PLUS has additional properties and removes chlorine, chloramine & heavy metals and adds fish slime coat protectant

Vanish™ Plus Liquid Dechlorinator PLUS Stress Reducer

  • Quickly remove chlorine, ammonia, chloramine and heavy metals.
  • Liquid also adds a stress coat protector for fish.
  • One ounce liquid Vanish™ treats 200 gallons
  • 32 ounce supply treats 6,400 gallons
  • One gallon supply treats 25,600 gallons

Works to remove chlorine and chloramine bonds, chlorine plus ammonia equals chloramine, and reduces the chlorine and ammonia down to non-toxic levels. Removes chlorine, chloramine, ammonia, heavy metals and adds a stress coat protectant for fish.

Active ingredient is sodium thiosulfate which is widely used to break down chlorine and chloramines and is considered non-toxic to fish. It provides a very effective solution for use in water gardens and ponds to break down chloramine bond and chemically remove the chlorine after a short working time.

Vanish™ Plus New Pond Application Rate
Shake well before use. Apply Vanish™ PLUS at the rate per gallon prescribed above after new pond has been filled. After 20 minutes pond water will be safe for fish and plants to be added.

Established Pond Application Rate
Shake well before use. Apply Vanish™ PLUS at the rate prescribed above when performing water changes or refilling evaporated water.

For Best Results
Apply Vanish™ PLUS to an area of the pond with the most circulation to ensure the product will be dispersed throughout the entire pond.

CrystalClear® Vanish™ PLUS Dosage Rates
Pond Size
(In Gallons)
Vanish™ PLUS
(As Needed)
200 Gallons 1 Ounce
400 Gallons 2 Ounces
800 Gallons 4 Ounces
1,600 Gallons 8 Ounces


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Vanish™ PLUS Dechlorinator & Stress Reducer from Crystal Clear®

  • Brand: Crystal Clear®
  • Product Code: Vanish™ Plus Liquid
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $39.50

  • Price includes taxes.
    Free shipping over $300.

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