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  • SAB Stream & Pond Cleaner  by Aquascape®

SAB™ Stream and Pond Clean contains pure strains of concentrated beneficial bacteria and enzymes. Ideal for breaking down debris in ponds, streams and waterfalls, this combination of natural cleaners helps to maintain a strong biological balance in your pond. Because ornamental water gardens are enclosed ecosystems, sometimes factors like fish load, uneaten fish food, organics such as leaves, sludge, unwanted debris or after-use of an algaecide or algae treatments may disrupt the pond's balance. SAB™ Stream and Pond Clean maintains a strong biological balance, providing clean, clear and healthy water conditions.

SAB is often referred to as a miracle product! The concentrated enzymes & bacteria work together to create the necessary balance your pond needs. Aquascape's SAB Extreme is double concentrated to break down debris and clean your water. String Algae Buster (SAB) destroys the micro-nutrients that are the food source for algae.

  • New - 100% additional phosphate binder 
  • Decreases pond maintenance - More time to enjoy your water garden!
  • Keeps your ecosystem balanced
  • Pond stays clean & water clear
  • Phosphates, nitrates & ammonia levels are decreased
  • Won't harm your fish or pets that might drink your pond water - Plant safe
4.4 ounce size treats up to 1,300 gallons
8.8 ounce size treats up to 2,700 gallons
1.1 pound size treats up to 5.600 gallons
7 pound size treats up to 33,800 gallons

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SAB Stream & Pond Cleaner by Aquascape®

  • Brand: Aquascape®
  • Product Code: SAB Stream & Pond Cleaner by Aquascape®
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $25.50

  • Price includes taxes.
    Free shipping over $300.

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