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  • Weighted Airline for Aeration - 3/8"

Self-sinking airline is perfect for aeration systems where a clean quick installation is required. This weighted feeder line stays on the bottom and requires no weights to keep it down. Makes installations easy and clean. Flexible, non-kinking PVC hose is easy to cut and uses standard barbed connectors.

Tubing is available in 50' lengths or 100' lengths.
Use hose connectors to link lengths together and tighhten with SS clamps, available here: .

Air Friction Loss of 3/8" Tubing

CFM Distance PSI Friction Loss
1 100' .63 PSI
1.5 100' 1.26 PSI
2 100' 2.06 PSI
3 100' 4.15 PSI
4 100' 6.85 PSI
5 100' 10.12 PSI


Air Friction Loss of 1/2" Tubing

CFM Distance PSI Friction Loss
2 100' 0.26 PSI
3 100' 0.55 PSI
4 100' 0.93 PSI
5 100' 1.40 PSI
6 100' 1.97 PSI
8 100' 3.35 PSI

Make sure your air compressor, air blower or air pump has the proper balance of available pressure for the CFM requirements of your system diffusers along with any friction loss over long distances with high airflows.


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Weighted Airline for Aeration - 3/8"

  • Product Code: Weighted Airline by the Roll
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $100.95

  • Price includes taxes.
    Free shipping over $300.

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