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  • TheraP™ Beneficial Bacteria for Fish Ponds from Microbe-Lift®

Microbe-Lift TheraP™ - Specially Formulated Beneficial Bacteria to Promote Fish Health. Provides a natural pond eco-system, resulting in better overall fish health and improved water quality for use with all ornamental, coldwater, temperate, cyprinids, native and wild species.

Microbe-Lift TheraP™ Benefits:

•Reduces environmental stress
•Improves dissolved oxygen levels with aerobic bacteria
•Aids fish respiration and pond gas exchange
•Contains both Nitrobacter and Nitrosomonas bacteria
•Oxidizes both ammonia and nitrite, and reduces nitrate
•Useful in ponds with high stocking density
•Immediately seeds and maintains biological filters
•Compatible with all pond flora
•Effective over a wide range of pH conditions
•Will not alter the mineral balance of the pond water
•Reduces organic sludge
•Eliminates noxious odors
•Not affected by UV sterilizers

Microbe-Lift TheraP provides a natural pond eco-system, resulting in better overall fish health and improved water quality for use with all ornamental, coldwater, temperate, cyprinids, native and wild species.

It is easier to prevent disease than cure it, and good water quality is a keystone for disease control.

 • Biologically supports the fish’s immune system
 • Reduces environmental stress
 • Promotes rapid fish growth
 • Beneficial when overpopulation exists
 • Compatible with all pond fish, wildlife and the other MICROBE-LIFT products
 • Safe for all animals in and around the pond
 • Nontoxic and nonpathogenic

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TheraP™ Beneficial Bacteria for Fish Ponds from Microbe-Lift®

  • Brand: Microbe-Lift®
  • Product Code: TheraP™ fish pond bacteria by Microbe-Lift
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $50.50

  • Price includes taxes.
    Free shipping over $300.

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