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  • D-Solv™ Oxy Pond Cleaner & Algae Remover by Crystal Clear®

D-Solv will help remove attached algae from waterfalls, streams and rocks in minutes. We find D-Solv™ works best as a spot treatment for eliminating algae from waterfalls, simply turn off your pump, sprinkle D-Solv on the areas with algae and let it sit for 15-20 minutes then turn your pump back on. The following day your waterfall will be algae free.

Use the maintenance dosage of D-Solv™ once a week and eliminate complete pond shut down for yearly clean-outs forever. D-Solv will also keep fountain intakes clean and remove unsightly scum from the perimeter of any size pond. D-Solv™ is your personal pond cleaner in a bottle, without the time, money, mess, effort to catch the fish, drain the pond, wash and scrub the scum in the pond, refill the pond and put the fish back in hoping you don’t stress them and kill them. This usually 4 – 5 hour process can be eliminated forever by simply treating your pond once weekly with D-Solv.

What Does D-Solv Do?

    Eliminates Pond Cleaning
    Uses Oxygen POWER
    Non-Toxic To Fish
    Deep Cleans Rocks, Waterfalls, Plant Pots, Streams & Anywhere Algae Accumulates

Application Rates

    Heavy Organic Material: 3 – 16 Tablespoons For Every 1000 Gallons Of Pond Water
    Maintenance Dosage: 1 – 5 Teaspoons Per 1000 Gallons Of Pond Water
    Spot Treatment: 1 – 5 Teaspoons Per Affected Area

    Use Weekly

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D-Solv™ Oxy Pond Cleaner & Algae Remover by Crystal Clear®

  • Brand: Crystal Clear®
  • Product Code: D-Solv™ Algae Control Pond Cleaner
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $45.50

  • Price includes taxes.
    Free shipping over $300.

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