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  • Knockout PLUS™ Broad Spectrum Combo Fish Product by Crystal Clear®

CrystalClear® KnockOut™ PLUS is widely used by pond and aquarium hobbyists and professionals ..CrystalClear® KnockOut™ PLUS is formulated to work with all pond fish especially koi and goldfish. When used in accordance with the label CrystalClear® KnockOut™ PLUS is very effective.

Natural treatment that eliminates & prevents external single-celled parasite or fungal infections When used routinely, acts as a strong preventative treatment Treatment for 'ich', sporonzoan parasites, dinoflagellate infections and fungi. No temperature restrictions.

Standard Application Rate
Upon discovery of problem, apply daily for 7 days. Add 18 ounces per day for every 1,000 gallons of pond being treated. When there are no visible signs of problems, it is recommended to continue treatment daily for an additional 3 days to ensure problems will not return. Disperse over the majority of the surface area of the pond.

16 Ounces treats 120 gallons for 7 days
1 Gallon treats 1,000 gallons for 7 days


CrysalClear® KnockOut™ PLUS Dosage Rates:
Pond Size (In Gallons) KnockOut™ PLUS (Ounces per day for 7 days)
60 Gallons 1 Ounce
120 Gallons 2 Ounces
240 Gallons 4 Ounces
480 Gallons 8 Ounces
1000 Gallons 18 Ounces


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Knockout PLUS™ Broad Spectrum Combo Fish Product by Crystal Clear®

  • Brand: Crystal Clear®
  • Product Code: Knockout™ Plus Combo Fish Product by Crystal Clear®
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $135.50

  • Price includes taxes.
    Free shipping over $300.

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