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  • Pond Salt by Aquascape®

Aquascape Pond Salt helps reduce the effects of elevated nitrite levels toxic to pond fish. Aquascape Pond Salt helps restore natural electrolytes allowing proper gill function when pond fish are under stress. Also helps repair and promote a natural slime coat necessary for disease prevention.

  • 2 lbs treats 800 gallons
  • 8 lbs treats 2,900 gallons

Adding salt will work to restore the natural electrolytes in your pond. This helps your fish's gills work better, especially when the fish are stressed. It also repairs the natural slime coat that fish need to prevent disease. Aquascape's Pond salt will help decrease the negative effects of when the nitrites are to high in your pond.

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Pond Salt by Aquascape®

  • Brand: Aquascape®
  • Product Code: Pond Salt by Aquascape®
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $28.50

  • Price includes taxes.
    Free shipping over $300.

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