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  • Automatic Dosing Systems for Ponds & Fountains by Aquascape®

Adding pond bacteria and water treatments in ponds and water features requires regular scheduled applications for best results. A busy summer schedule and vacation time away from home can mean that treatments are forgotten or not applied at the right time. This automated doseing system delivers the correct amount of pond treatment into your pond automatically.

The easy to set system has a control screen and interface so your pond gets the exact amount of product at the right time. The automatic pond dosing system can treat up to 2000 gallons for an entire month with a single refill pack, smaller ponds can have a single refill last even longer. The fountain dosing system will treat most fountains or pondless features for an entire season with one refill pack.

Refill packs available here

Two Models Available
Use the Pond System for fish ponds and water features with aquatic life and the Fountain dosing system for ornamental fountains or pond-free water features and pondless waterfalls that use water but do not have fish. Instruction Manual (PDF 2.5 MB)

Automatic Dosing System for Ponds
Model #96030
  • (Unit Weight: 4 lbs.)
  • Installed Dimensions: 9" L (with hoses connected) x 4.25"W x 14"H
  • Canister Dimensions: 7.5"L (canister top) x 4.25"W x 14"H
Includes a FREE Maintain treatment good for 30 days of treatment in a 2000 gallon pond

Formulated specifically for systems that contain fish and plants, Aquascape Pond Water Treatments are the ideal way of maintaining optimum waterquality, clarity and an overall healthy pond. Four different treatment formulations available and each will treat a 2000 gallon pond for up to 30 days.
Automatic Dosing System for Fountains & Aquabasins
Model #96031
  • (Unit Weight: 4 lbs.)
  • Installed Dimensions: 9" L (with hoses connected) x 4.25"W x 14"H
  • Canister Dimensions: 7.5"L (canister top) x 4.25"W x 14"H
Includes a FREE Prevent treatment good for a typical season of treatment in typical fountain

Formulated for water features that do not contain fish and that may or may not be filtered. Aquascape Fountain Water Treatments help to maintain the original beauty of self-contained AquaBasin® fountains, Pondless® Waterfalls or traditional stand-alone fountains.

Self-contained water features often evaporate quickly and need to be topped off leaving a large concentration of minerals that will leave unsightly deposits on the surface of the fountain and will over time damage pumps. Aquascape Fountain Water Treatments come in two special formulations to prevent scale before it happens without the use of acids that may damage the surface of the fountain and each water treatment will treat most water fountains for up to one full season.

Instruction Manual (PDF 2.5 MB)


  1. Choose the appropriate water treatment based on what you want to accomplish.
  2. Attach the water treatment you have selected to the fitting included with the dosing system.
  3. Place the outlet/discharge hose as close to the edge of the water feature as possible.
  4. Use the control panel to select the appropriate setting based on the amount of water contained within your water feature.

    The dosing system will automatically add your selected water treatment product to the pond or water feature every day, helping maintain optimum water quality and clarity.

Eliminate the guesswork and routine of adding water treatments to your pond, fountain, or water feature. In order for water treatments to work correctly, or to maintain optimum water quality, water treatments should be added consistently and on a regular basis.

The Aquascape Automatic Dosing System accurately and consistently applies your choice of water treatment.

  •     Helps maintain optimum water quality
  •     Easy to use and fully programmable
  •     Dependable and quiet operation
  •     Can be used on almost any pond, fountain, or water feature.

Instruction Manual (PDF 2.5 MB)

Each type of water feature has its own set of challenges to maintain optimal water quality. In order to provide optimum results we have created two separate categories of
treatment, one for ponds and water gardens and one for formal fountains outlined below. Each 32 ounce refill is sold separately.

Pond Water Treatments for Automatic Pond Dosing System by Aquascape®
Buy refills here

Product Code: 96032
Format: 32 ounces (946 ml)

  • Keeps ponds clean and clear
  • Reduces maintenance
  • Helps prevent fish loss

Aquascape Maintain uses a combination of beneficial bacteria, enzymes and a powerful phosphate binder to reduce pond maintenance and maintain optimum water
quality resulting in a crystal-clear maintenance free pond.

Product Code: 96034

Format: 32 ounces (946 ml)

  • Keeps ponds clean and clear
  • Reduces organic debris naturally
  • Contains a powerful combination of sludge eating bacteria and enzymes
  • Reduces maintenance by cleaning filter media

Aquascape Clean reduces organic waste caused by fish waste, uneaten fish food, leaves and debris that fall into the pond. Keeping ponds free from organic debris helps optimize water clarity and quality. Aquascape Clean contains a powerful combination of sludge eating bacteria and enzymes.

Product Code: 96033
Format: 32 ounces (946 ml)

  • Eliminates unsightly water conditions
  • Clears discolored water
  • Helps maintain crystal clear water
  • Can be used on ponds with fish and plants

Controlling the build up of debris and unsightly water conditions can be difficult. Aquascape Clear when used with the Automatic Dosing System can be dosed
slowly and consistently reducing issues caused when shock treating the pond, resulting in a clean, clear and maintenance free pond.

Product Code: 96035
Format: 32 ounces (946 ml)

  • Reduces fish stress in spring or after a cleanout
  • Completely natural
  • Safe for fish and plants

Aquascape Protect is made from natural plant extracts chosen for their natural healing properties that will reduce fish stress, prevent parasites and bacterial infections.

Fountain Water Treatments for Automatic Fountain Dosing System by Aquascape®
Buy refills here

Product Code: 96042
Format: 32 ounces (946 ml)

  • Prevents stains, scale and unsightly water conditions
  • Safe for birds and animals that may drink from the feature


Maintaining a fountain or self-contained water feature can be challenging, especially if located in direct sunlight. Aquascape Fountain Prevent when used in conjunction with the Aquascape Automatic Dosing System will help prevent unsightly water conditions, including the buildup of unsightly debris and
scale often an issue with concrete fountains or in areas with hard water.

Product Code: 96037
Format: 32 ounces (946 ml)

  • Cleans existing growth and debris
  • Will not damage the surface of the feature
  • Safe for birds and animals that may drink from the feature

Aquascape Fountain Clean will quickly and effectively clean debris and growth from the surface of the feature restoring the natural beauty of your water feature.

Product Comparison

Refills For Automatic Dosing System for Ponds
Water Treatment Benefits  Maintain
Eliminates unsightly water conditions ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ x
Eliminates discolored/cloudy water ♦♦ x
Reduces floating debris and turbidity ♦♦ ♦♦ x
Contains a powerful blend of bacteria and enzymes ♦♦ ♦♦ x x
Reduces Issues with fish loss or fish exhibiting strange behavior ♦♦ x x ♦♦
Reduces sludge in streams and pond bottom ♦♦ ♦♦ x
Removes and detoxifies chlorine/chloramines/heavy metals and ammonia ♦♦ x x x
Safe for animals that may drink from the pond ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦
Supports the biological balance/pond ecosystem ♦♦ ♦♦ x x
Eliminates bad odors ♦♦ ♦♦ x x
Helps eliminate foam near waterfalls and in streams ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦

x = not applicable
♦ = Good
♦♦ = Better
♦♦♦ = Best


Refills For Automatic Dosing System for Fountains
Water Treatment Benefits  Prevent
Eliminates unsightly water conditions ♦♦ ♦♦
Eliminates discolored/cloudy water ♦♦
Eliminate unsightly scale deposits ♦♦ ♦♦
Prevents unsightly scale deposits ♦♦ ♦♦
Reduces maintenance on the fountain ♦♦ ♦♦
Safe for animals that may drink from the fountain ♦♦ ♦♦
Eliminates bad odors ♦♦ ♦♦
x = not applicable
♦ = Good
♦♦ = Better
♦♦♦ = Best

Replacement Frequency

Pond size Approximate days of treatment
up to 500 gal / 1 893 L 166
1,000 gal / 3 785 L 83
1,500 gal / 5 678 L 55
2,000 gal / 7 571 L 42
2,500 gal / 9 464 L 33
3,000 gal / 11 356 L 28
3,500 gal / 13 249 L 24
4,000 gal / 15 142 L 21
4,500 gal / 17 034 L 18
5,000 gal / 18 927 L 16


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Automatic Dosing Systems for Ponds & Fountains by Aquascape®

  • Brand: Aquascape®
  • Product Code: Automatic Dosing System®
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $130.50

  • Price includes taxes.
    Free shipping over $300.

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