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This extremely strong non-woven, needle-punched Geotextile is an 8 oz Grade. It provides protection from roots & sharp objects. To protect pond liners a layer should be placed underneath the liner, it is often placed on top of the liner as well to protect the inside of the pond from sharp stones. It can also be used on top of liner for additional protection when placing large rocks.
Custom cut sizes available here.
Calculating Pond Liner Requirements For Your Pond
To calculate the liner size you need for your pond you need to take into account the shape and if you are creating deep zones and shallow zones or interesting bean shaped ponds or adding waterfalls and cascades. It's always better to have a little extra liner than not enough. Use the following as a basic guide:
Length in Feet + Depth in Feet + Depth in Feet + 2 Feet = Length of Liner Required in Feet
Width in Feet + Depth in Feet + Depth in Feet + 2 Feet = Width of Liner Required in Feet
Example: If you want the size of your your pond to be 12 feet long by 14 feet wide by 3 feet deep, then:
Longest Length = 12 Feet
Widest Width = 14 Feet
Deepest Depth = 3 Feet
Calculate Liner Size
12' + 3' + 3' + 2' = 20’
14’ + 3' + 3' + 2' = 22’
So: For a 3 foot deep pond 12' x 14' you need a liner 20' x 22' and to have an appropriate under layer that works out to around 440 square feet so a piece 6' wide by 75' long would allow you to cut and fit the underlayer under your liner. Or for 440 square feet of liner you could get a 15' wide under layer piece that is 30 feet long. Better to have a bit extra than not enough!
Liner Under Layer - FULL ROLLS Geotextile Underlay for Pond Liner
- Product Code: Pond Underlay Geotextile
- Availability: In Stock
- Price includes taxes.
Free shipping over $300.
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