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  • pH Decrease & pH Increase for Ponds from Microbe Lift

Safely rasies or lowers pH levels in ponds. Two easy to use and safe pH products that will help regulate pH levels in ponds when required. Perfect for ponds in Canada.

Format: 16 ounce bottles
When used as directed:
 • Safely raises or lowers pH levels (see below for directions)
 • Is not harmful to aquatic life and plants
 • May cause some brief cloudiness depending on water quality

 • Two pH adjusters for buffered effectiveness
 • Three electrolytes to help maintain osmotic balance
 • One slime coat ingredient for skin protection and stress reduction
Make recommended application in several steps to avoid over-adjustment and pH bounce.

Microbe-Lift pH Decrease
Safely lowers pH levels. 

Add one oz. per 375 gallons of pond water for every .1 pH unit decrease desired. 

Apply Microbe-lift pH Decrease in several steps and measure decreased pH before next addition. If your pond contains fish and/or plants, do not dramatically raise your pH levels more than .5 pH in a 24 hour period, as not to shock aquatic life and/or fish. Follow package directions.

 Microbe-Lift/ pH Decrease Safely Lowers pH Levels

• Formulated in deionized water
• Includes 2 pH decreasers for gentle effectiveness and 3 electrolytes to help maintain osmotic balance
• Contains a slime coat ingredient for skin protection and stress reduction in pond fish
• Has a chelating agent to enhance water quality
• Not harmful to fish or plants


Microbe-Lift pH Increase
Safely raises pH levels.

Add one oz. per 375 gallons of pond water for every .1 pH unit increase desired.

Apply Microbe-lift pH Increase in several steps and measure increased pH before next addition.  If your pond contains fish and/or plants, do not dramatically raise your pH levels more than .5 pH in a 24 hour period, as not to shock aquatic life and/or fish.  Follow package directions.

 Microbe-Lift/ pH Increase Safely Raises pH Levels

• Formulated in deionized water
• Includes 2 pH increasers for gentle effectiveness and 3 electrolytes to help maintain osmotic balance
• Contains a slime coat ingredient for skin protection and stress reduction in pond fish
• Has a chelating agent to enhance water quality
• Not harmful to fish or plants


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pH Decrease & pH Increase for Ponds from Microbe Lift

  • Brand: Microbe-Lift®
  • Product Code: pH Decrease and pH Increase from Microbe-Lift
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $25.50

  • Price includes taxes.
    Free shipping over $300.

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