Prices include taxes.Free shipping  over $300.

The innovative gummy makes for quick and easy application, dissolving slowly as the treatment is released. The QuickFix Pond Gummy effectively targets ammonia, nitrite, and phosphate while helping to control organic waste and debris. Each gummy treats up to 3,000 gallons of pond water.

  • Rapidly resolves pond problems, including cloudy water.
  • Innovative gummy makes for quick and easy application
  • Targets ammonia, nitrite, and phosphate
  • Helps control organic waste and debris

One gummy treats up to 3,000 gallons

HOW OFTEN: As needed.

HOW TO: Add entire contents to the water.

PLEASE NOTE: Most effective in water temperatures above 45°F (7.2°C). Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature.

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QuickFix™ Pond Gummy by Aquascape®

  • Brand: Aquascape®
  • Product Code: QuickFix-Gummy
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $25.50

  • Price includes taxes.
    Free shipping over $300.

  • 4 or more $17.50

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