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  • TrueBlue™ and DeepBlue™ Liquid Pond Dye from Crystal Clear®

This is a proprietary blend of environmentally friendly, nontoxic, water-soluble dyes formulated to reduce sunlight penetration and impart a natural blue color when applied to ponds, lakes, and fountains. TRUE BLUE is nontoxic to turf grass, birds, mammals, reptiles, fish, or other aquatic species. Irrigation, swimming, and other recreational uses are approved during and following the use of this product. Applications to chlorinated water may require more frequent treatment.

CrystalClear Pond and Lake Dye keeps water clear and provides plenty of shade for UV rays all year long. Each one-gallon pond and lake formulated pond dye treats up to one surface acre with an average depth of 4' - 6' fee deep for several months. No mixing is required, the dye can be poured directly from the shoreline and it is safe for all aquatic life. For year-long beauty, pond dye can be applied early in the spring and added as needed. Choose from two colors: TrueBlue for a vibrant blue color or DeepBlue for a dark blue color.

1 Gallon Treats
1 Acre, 4'-6' Deep

Powerful Concentrate with Beneficial Bacteria added , Fish, Plant & Wildlife Friendly
When used in accordance with label directions Pond Logic® Pond Dye is completely safe for your fish, plants, pets and pond wildlife.




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TrueBlue™ and DeepBlue™ Liquid Pond Dye from Crystal Clear®

  • Brand: Crystal Clear®
  • Product Code: TrueBlue Liquid Pond Dye
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $85.50

  • Price includes taxes.
    Free shipping over $300.

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