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Control and eliminate pond algae using this algaecide. Polypro® alagecide is diluted and sprayed onto pond algae to quickly kill algae. If the algae problem in your pond has reached a level that requires immediate action then Polypro is the solution. This algaecide was designed to work in potable water sources to keep them algae free. With proper application rate and methods you should see the full results in about a week.
Algaecide for pond or water basins in closed systems only, this product must never leave your pond or water garden, to reach streams, or other surface water systems in the vicinity of the treated pond.
This product is toxic to algae in your pond and it is also toxic to copper sensitive aquatic plants, invertebrates and fish! Use with caution, following directions exactly, including testing your water before re-treating.
For ponds with severe and persistent algae blooms where other measures including aeration and bacteria treatments have been unsuccessful. Overuse of this product may create toxic copper pollution in your pond, so use with caution and always test your pond water before re-treating.
Dilution of 1:60,000 (16 ml per 1000 litres of water) provides 1 part per million (ppm) for a biologically active form of copper (Cu2+).
Ponds, Irrigation Tanks and Stormwater Ponds
Apply 1 litre of Polypro to 60,000 - 600,000 litres of water for prevention of algal bloom. Water condition and the extent of active micro-organisms present determine the effective application rate. For permanent algae control maintain 0.5 to 1.0 ppm copper in the water. (Add 1.6 ml per 1000L to increase copper by 0.1 ppm).
Application can be done with ease from the shoreline. Dilute and spray onto algae.
NOTICE TO BUYER: Seller's guarantee shall be limited to the terms set out on the label and, subject thereto, the buyer assumes the risk to person's or property arising from the use or handling of this product and accepts the product on that condition.
NATURE OF RESTRICTION: Aquatic, Forest or Woodland Uses - This products is to be used only in the manner authorized, consult local pesticide regulatory authorities about use permits that may be required.
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WARNING: This product is toxic to copper-sensitive aquatic plants, invertebrates and fish. Do not apply to waters containing fish without consulting polydex distributor first.
Chelates : copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese and other minerals at low to neutral pH.
Guarantee: copper as elemental…5.0% (present as copper-sulphate) Registration No. 27769 Pest Control Products Act in Canada. Keep out of reach of children, do not freeze, caution poison, read label before using.
This bacteriostatic algaecide is a copper based product that uses a suspended form of copper so that it does not become incorporated into the substrate. This means that far less copper needs to be used to be effective (only 0.2 ppm). Also there are no problems with elevated copper levels in pond sediment that could lead to disposal problems in the future. This product is highly effective against all algae and algae based plants such as Chara, if applied correctly. It also has the added benefit of killing E.coli and other anaerobic bacteria within the water. Can be used in concert with beneficial bacteria.
If your pond contains goldfish or Koi however we do not recommend the use of this product as goldfish and koi can be harmed by copper buildup.
For use in greenhouse irrigation, ponds, tanks and irrigation distribution lines
- Non-Toxic to humans when diluted for use as directed
- A certified Bacteriostatic Algaecide
- No Synthetic hormones or antibiotic
- Encourages robust plant growth
- Enhance the color and health of plants
- Safe for workers and customers
- Reduces maintenance costs by keeping irrigation lines and spray nozzlers free from algae and scale
- Keep water storage tanks clean and algae free
- Safe for use in polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC, stainless steel and copper hoses pipes and nozzles
Green house irrigation use 8ml to 16ml of Polypro for 1000 liters of water (0.5 to 1.0 ppm Ci++)
Helps promote and cleaner and safer greenhouse environment by controlling bacteria and algae growth
POLYPRO does not use oxidation as does Ozone and Chlorine and does not produce Trihalomethanes or other potentially harmful secondary organic complexes.
POLYPRO’s copper ions accomplish disinfection as a bacteriostatic algaecide when the positively charged copper ions form electrostatic bonds with negatively charged areas on the cell walls of micro organisms.
These electrostatic bonds create stresses that lead to distorted cell wall permeability, minimizing the normal intake of life sustaining nutrients.
Once inside the cell of the micro organism, ionic copper reacts with sulphur containing amino acids in the proteins used for photosynthesis (the process of converting light and nutrients into usable food and energy). As a result the target organism can no longer perform photosynthesis which leads to cell lyses (disintegration) and death.
Even if the cell manages to live for a short time, the reproduction process is hampered by the presence of copper ions and the spread of the micro-organism is stopped.
Most undesirable bacteria are killed at low copper ion concentrations whereas important beneficial bacteria being more tolerant to copper will survive.
PolyPro® - Pond Wizard® - PondBrite® - Polydex® - Bacteriostatic Algaecides
- Product Code: PolyProx® and Pond Wizardalgaecide for ponds
- Availability: In Stock
- Price includes taxes.
Free shipping over $300.
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