Prices include taxes.Free shipping over $300.
Complete aeration systems include rocking-piston air-compressor in a ventilated cabinet and includes valvesm pressure gauges, releif valves and vcentilateion fan along with post mounting hardware. Available in various sized air compressors and a choice of diffusers, weighted tubing is an option.
- The 1/4 HP systems include either one or two weighted diffusers with a single diffuser disc mounted to a steel plate. Includes cabinet.
- The 1/2 HP systems include either two or three of the dual-disc diffusers mounted on a steel plate. Includes cabinet.
Stratus SRC series “Gen 2” rocking piston compressors are specifically designed for the demanding job of 24 hour operation. These high-preformance are ideal for pond aeration systems. The oil-less design safely aerates ponds with no electricity in the water. The shore mounted compressor sends air through tubing to a bottom mounted diffuser for a safe, effective way to aerate ponds. Compressors are available in 115v or 230v.
1/4 HP
2.3 CFM Maximum Flow
1.7 Amps at 115 volts at a 10' operating depth
Maximum PSI 30
Warranty 2 Years
Rebuild kits available
1/2 HP
4.5 CFM Maximum Flow
3.6 Amps at 115 volts at a 10' operating depth
Maximum PSI 30
Warranty 2 Years
Rebuild kits available
Self Weighted Dual Membrane Diffuser Assembly
Fine bubble diffusers for maximum lift and oxygen transfer efficiency
Low maintenance rubber membrane diffusers in single or double configuration
Self weighted, powder coated steel base
Strain relief hardware for fast and secure installation
Low head pressure loss
Inlet air fittings (included) accepts 3/8″, 1/2″ or 5/8″ tubing
Unique barbed fittings with built in check valves to keep water out of tubing
Dual head handles airflow from 1.6 – 6 cfm
3/4″ mpt inlet on diffuser head
Stainless steel hose clams and strain relief hardware
Designed for fresh water applications
Five year warranty
Post Mount Cabinet
11 1/2″ W x 18″ L x 11 1/2″ H
Cooling fan
18 gauge galvanized steel with powder coat paint finish
Top and front wall open for easy access and service
Has three 1 1/4″ knockouts for airlines
5′ power cord to plug cabinet into GFCI protected outlet
Post mount cabinets come complete electrical outlet, cooling fan and mounting hardware
Sentinel® Aeration Systems
- Brand: Easy Pro®
- Product Code: Sentinal Post Mounted Aerators
- Availability: In Stock
- Price includes taxes.
Free shipping over $300.
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