Prices include taxes.Free shipping  over $300.

Spring and summer pond cleaner. Safe for fish. Microbe-Lift SSC accelerates the breakdown of leaves, twigs, and other accumulated dead organic waste. A Spring / Summer Approach to the Proper Organic Balance in Ponds

  • Helps to jump start your pond in the spring
  • Reduces buildup of dead leaves and residual organic sediment
  • Pre-measured, easy to handle and cost effective
  • Natural nontoxic and noncaustic


1 Pound contains 8 (2 oz). soluble packets.
Treats up to 5,000 gal. pond for 4 weeks.

Each box contains: (8) 2 oz. water soluble packets of cellulase enzymes and hyper cellulase-producing bacteria.

Application Rate

Pond Vol.

Week 1
(# of packets)

Week 2
(# of packets)
Week 3
(# of packets)
Week 4
(# of packets)
80-500 1 1 1 1
501-1,000 2 1 2 1
1,001-5,000 2 2 2 2



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Spring & Summer Pond Cleaning Bacteria from Microbe-Lift®

  • Brand: Microbe-Lift®
  • Product Code: Spring/Summer Pond Cleaner by Microbe-Lift
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $60.50

  • Price includes taxes.
    Free shipping over $300.

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