Spring 2025

Once the ice has melted off your pond, and temperatures have been consistently above 5°C for a week or more, it’s time to open up your pond or water garden for the Spring.

Check the pond for any damage and remove leaves and debris. Clean the pond with a net or Pond Vacuum being careful if fish are present. Water lilies and aquatic plants that over-wintered can be cleaned and re-positioned and re-potted if necessary. If adding new water make sure to condition the water to keep your fish safe from chlorine or water impurities.

Prepare your filter with beneficial bacteria to jump-start the biological process and re-connect your pump. When starting your pump and filter check for any leaks that might have occurred during the winter.

Add a Spring Cold Water Cleaning Bacteria to breakdown remaining sludge and a start-up bacteria to re-colonize beneficial bacteria in your filter;  liquid barley extract will help keep your pond water clean and clear.

If you have an UV Clarifier or Sterilizer to prevent green water, replace the bulb and clean the quartz sleeve that covers the bulb. Do not turn the UV unit on until the bacteria have had at least 48 hours to colonize.

You can begin feeding your fish when water temperatures remain at 10°C or higher. Feed fish sparingly until they begin to show signs of a normal metabolism and hunger. The cold water wheat germ fish food is a good food to start in the Spring.

Spring & Fall Prep™ by Crystal Clear®

Spring & Fall Prep™ by Crystal Clear®

CrystalClear® Spring & Fall Prep contains cold water natural bacteria designed to accelerate the..


Spring & Summer Pond Cleaning Bacteria from Microbe-Lift®

Spring & Summer Pond Cleaning Bacteria from Microbe-Lift®

Spring and summer pond cleaner. Safe for fish. Microbe-Lift SSC accelerates the breakdown of leaves,..


PL™ Beneficial Pond Bacteria Microbe-Lift

PL™ Beneficial Pond Bacteria Microbe-Lift

Microbe-lift PL™ provides sustained biological activity in water temperatures even under 55 degrees...


Pond Balance®  Algae Control & Treatment

Pond Balance® Algae Control & Treatment

Algae control for filamentous algae in ponds in Canada. String Algae is a problem that affects most ..


BioClarifier™ Pond Bacteria by Crystal Clear®

BioClarifier™ Pond Bacteria by Crystal Clear®

BIOCLARIFIER™ is the new brand name of the popular Biological Clarifier™ by CrystalClear® that natur..


ClearOut™ Dry Beneficial Pond Bacteria for Ponds & Lakes from Crystal Clear®

ClearOut™ Dry Beneficial Pond Bacteria for Ponds & Lakes from Crystal Clear®

Restore pond clarity, water quality and pond balance with Crystal Clear® ClearOut™. ClearOut™ contai..


MuckOut® Muck Digesting Tablets for Ponds

MuckOut® Muck Digesting Tablets for Ponds

MuckOut is a muck digesting formula that digests pond and lake organc muck. The 1 ounce tanlets are ..


SupaClear™ Pond Cleaner 9% Formula

SupaClear™ Pond Cleaner 9% Formula

SupaClear is replacing Profix in Canada SupaClear™ is a unique and proprietary formula deve..


Clarity Max™ Beneficial Bacteria & Enzymes for Ponds by Crystal Clear®

Clarity Max™ Beneficial Bacteria & Enzymes for Ponds by Crystal Clear®

ClarityMax® is the ultimate pond cleaner. A mix of natural bacteria, enzymes and barley straw extrac..


PondoVac™ Pond Vacuums by Oase® - Free Shipping in Canada

PondoVac™ Pond Vacuums by Oase® - Free Shipping in Canada

Now with 3 Models! A pond vacuum can make cleaning muck and sludge from pond walls and rocks an easy..


Barley Straw Pellets - Nature's Choice™ by Crystal Clear©

Barley Straw Pellets - Nature's Choice™ by Crystal Clear©

CrystalClear® Nature’s Choice™ Barley Straw Pellets utilize barley degradation technology to help ma..


Pond Shock™ Concentrated Bacteria Balls by CrystalClear®

Pond Shock™ Concentrated Bacteria Balls by CrystalClear®

The new PondShock™ concentrated pond bacteria ball is a great alternative to chemicals to clear your..


Barley Straw Pellets by MicrobeLift®

Barley Straw Pellets by MicrobeLift®

MICROBE-LIFT/Barley Straw Pellets + works in much the same way as barley straw…only faster!  Wh..


Hardy Water Lilies - Nymphaea - Bare Root

Hardy Water Lilies - Nymphaea - Bare Root

Bareroot Hardy Water Lilies available April 15 – June 30th. We ship live plants on Mondays only. ..


Muck Rid™  Sludge, Muck and Odor Remover

Muck Rid™ Sludge, Muck and Odor Remover

SuperNatural© MuckRid™ tablets are manufactured from billions of natural bacteria and enzyme culture..


Showing 1 to 15 of 27 (2 Pages)