Commercial Aeration Systems
Olympus™ Floating Fountains & Decorative Aerators
These fountains are proudly manufactured right here in Canada! In our continuing efforts to take our..
ProAir™ Shallow Water Pond Aeration System by Airmax®
Aeration Kit for 1/4 Acre Ponds with a maximum depth of 6 feet. Providing bottom-diffused a..
PondSeries™ Floating Fountains by Airmax®
The PondSeries™ Floating Fountain brings you the latest in high-quality commercial-grade fountain te..
ProAir™ Large Pond & Lake Aeration Systems by Airmax®
Our most popular aeration systems for ponds over 8 feet deep, the Pond Series™ Aeration Systems are ..
Surface Aerators by Bearon®
The Bearon (formerly Power House, Inc.) aerators are ideal for pond aeration, aquaculture and wastew..
Sentinel® Aeration Systems
Complete aeration systems include rocking-piston air-compressor in a ventilated cabinet and includes..